

Protak Scientific is a Biological research company that replicates specific biological indicators like Geobacillus Stearothermophilus for the decontamination validation of Hydrogen Peroxide. The indicators are useful in determining all the various hydrogen peroxide decontamination processes.

This is important because hospitals use them to validate the decontamination of operating theatres before beginning any surgical services, or for the decontamination of patient rooms after identifying infractions.

In pharmaceutical manufacturing, they are used for isolators that are usually decontaminated with H2O2. Pharams also use lots to ensure that the H2O2 machine is in fine working condition and able to carry out a gassing cycle development.

What does Protak Scientific do?

As a leading company in the revolution of accurate and quick HPV decontamination validation processes, Protak Scientific Pharma companies to spearhead the development of new alternative to biological indicators.

As part of a research team continuously involved in work with Enzyme Indicators (EIs), Protak Scientific works with Public Health England (PHE) to further enhance the study. Protak also provides select Pharmas with valuable insight and knowledge into specific Enzyme Indicators research, as well as unfettered access to its highly exclusive data centres.

Protak’s research team continually monitors and verifies its biological projects. The measurable tool with fore-knowledge can provide early warning signs. The technology it develops is different from conventional biological indicators due to the absolute precision of the data.

Some pharma companies and other biological research labs are already benefitting from its ground-breaking discovery. Protak aims to provide highly accurate and quantifiable means of validating decontaminated work spaces.

Website Features

  • Look and Feel: As a scientific B2B brand, the website is designed to communicate professionalism.
  • Images: The home page contains high res images of operating theatres and research labs
  • Call-to-Action Button: The CTA clearly contrasts with the background and urges visitors to find out more about Protak Scientific
  • Footer: At the page footer is a form field for email subscription and its contact details including address and phone numbers.